When the sun begins to shine and the temperatures rise, you’ll find me sipping on spritzes. Soda water is an obvious way to add bubbles to a drink, but you can add carbonation, flavor, and more alcohol if you swap it out for beer.
In the next few years, Microsoft wants Windows 10 running on a billion devices. One way it’s making sure that happens is by tricking users into upgrading in shady ways. But here’s the real problem: Windows 10 is a good operating system, and Microsoft’s tactics are giving it a bad rap.
When you’re laboring away on a woodworking project you’ll likely need multiple types of sandpaper, from a course grit for rough surfaces to a finer grit as you finish. But sandpaper is available in a wide spectrum of grit, so how do you know which to buy? Here are the only three types you’ll really need.
Regularly locking your phone’s screen can be an annoyance. So much so that a third of Android users don’t even lock their phones at all, and those that do choose painfully obvious PINs or patterns. Fortunately, there’s a better way: It’s called Smart Lock for Android.
Bad credit can haunt you for years. It affects everything from your home purchase to your bills to renting an apartment. Some employers even check your report before hiring you. A newly proposed bill aims to improve the system.