The Best Smartwatches for People Who Hate Smartwatches

26 May 2016

Despite the name, smartwatches can be kind of dumb. Sure, they can do cool things, like control your music and put notifications on your wrist. But battery life woes and underwhelming platforms leave you questioning the real IQ of these supposedly “smart” devices. However, there is a road less traveled: an area unexplored by big tech giants, where people can revel in functioning wristputers without being stuck in a technological mire.


Make the Perfect Breakfast Egg Sandwich Using Just a...

26 May 2016

Most of us don’t have a lot of time in the morning to cook a luxurious breakfast, but this technique from Epicurious delivers one of the most delicious-looking egg sandwiches I’ve seen in minutes, and all you need is an egg, a microwave, and some sandwich fixings (you know: bread, cheese, and a few condiments.)


Make the Best Crust for the Type of Pie You're Making

26 May 2016

Soggy pie crust is the scourge of the pie-making world, but it can be easily prevented with a little bit of pre-filling baking. Exactly how long you pre-bake your crust depends on the filling you will be using, and Bon Appetit has some tips to help you determine how golden you should get it.


Why You Should Care About Added Sugars in Your Food

26 May 2016

When the new food labels roll out in a year or two, a 20 ounce Pepsi will have to say it contains 130% of your daily value of added sugar. Yogurts will have to call out how much of their sugar is added, so we can’t kid ourselves that the sweetness all comes from the fruit. A lot of food companies fought the change, but they lost.


The Most Common Pull-Up Mistakes and How to Fix Them

26 May 2016

Most people would be happy to do any pull-up, but you still need to follow the cardinal rule of strength training: use proper technique and form. This video from Buff Dudes can help by addressing some common pull-up bad habits.

