Why You Shouldn't Worry So Much About Being a 'Perfect'...

26 May 2016

Even armed with a Ph.D. in developmental psychology, I remember the frightening first moments after bringing my newborn daughter home from the hospital. I wasn’t sure what to do–and not at all confident that I was capable of being the parent she needed me to be.


DIY Chore Bingo Makes Chores Fun for Kids (and Adults Too)

26 May 2016

No one likes chores, whether it’s your kids or your roommates. How do you motivate them? 3M, makers of the Post-It Note, suggest making a “Chore Bingo” to earn rewards for completing those chores.


ReNotify Creates Undismissable Notes in Android...

26 May 2016

Android: Want a reminder note every time you look at your smartphone? ReNotify lets you add persistent notes to your Notifications pane which won’t go away when you tap the ‘Dismiss All Notifications’ icon.


The Five Types of "Real Tea," and Other Little-Known Tea...

26 May 2016

Tea only plays second fiddle to water when it comes to global popularity, and yet so many of us know so little about it . That’s why this episode of Mental Floss’ List Show is dedicated to 36 different tea facts you may not know.

