This Bill in Congress Would Remove Credit Report Strikes...

25 May 2016

Bad credit can haunt you for years. It affects everything from your home purchase to your bills to renting an apartment. Some employers even check your report before hiring you. A newly proposed bill aims to improve the system.


What Do You Consider Dressing 'Professionally'? 

25 May 2016

What would you think if a coworker or employee showed up to work in loose ripped jeans, scuzzy sneakers, the same shirt she wore yesterday, frizzy hair, dirty unpolished nails, and a band-aid hanging off her arm from a recent tetanus shot? Would you judge me? Should I buy new clothes? Probably?


Stop Working Out So Much On Your "Rest Days"

25 May 2016

Workout days in your exercise program are simple to follow: you just do the workout. Then, on your “rest days”, you feel like a lost duckling. Do you run on the treadmill? Or maybe do lighter weights ? A bike ride on a unicycle up a mountain sounds nice. How about this: try actually letting your body rest.


Use Distractions to Your Advantage During Brainstorming...

25 May 2016

Distractions aren’t ideal for most tasks , but they serve a purpose when it comes to brainstorming. 99U suggests a simple rule of thumb: embrace distractions when it comes to generating ideas; embrace focus when it comes to implementing ideas.


Three Things You and Your Partners Should Agree On...

25 May 2016

Before you and a partner decide to move in together, you may have already decided how to split costs and chores, but these three important social topics you may have overlooked.

