Remains of the Day: Talk to Amazon's Alexa in Your...

30 May 2016

The Amazon Echo is a cool device but it does cost a pretty penny, and you might want to kick the tires beforehand. Luckily there’s now a way to chat with Alexa, the virtual assistant behind the device, in your web browser. Hey Alexa, do you think I’m going to have a case of the Mondays tomorrow?


The Questions to Ask When Deciding to Work for Free

30 May 2016

No one likes the idea of not being paid for their time and effort, but there is a case to be made for working for free. Maybe you gain experience and build your resume. Maybe you get exposure. It’s tricky, though, and author Seth Godin suggests a few important questions when deciding whether or not to work for free.


Grow “High Impact” Plants If Your Gardening Time Is Limited

30 May 2016

I was momentarily proud of myself the year I grew peas: I tended them for weeks, harvested a big basket full of pods, sat down to shell them...and only ended up with enough for a small side dish. As much as I loved the peas, that was a lot of work for very little payoff.


Why You Should Avoid the Word “Fair” in Salary Negotiations

30 May 2016

Asking for a raise can be tricky. You have to approach the conversation in the right way, and as Lee E. Miller, co-author of A Woman’s Guide to Successful Negotiating points out, that means you probably want to leave out the word “fair.”


Add Depth to Your Summertime Punch with a Dash of Bitters

30 May 2016

Nothing is more refreshing on a hot day than a big, cold pitcher of boozy punch, whether it’s a normal punch, or you just made an extra big version of your favorite cocktail. Give your drink a little depth and surprising complexity with a couple dashes of bitters.

