Create Separate Netflix Profiles to Fit Your Moods

31 May 2016

If you have a whole Netflix account all to yourself (or just share with one other person) you may have a few extra profiles to play around with. Instead of letting them just sit there, unused, you should use them to create queues for each of your unique moods, as we all contain multitudes.


What’s the Difference Between All These Running Apps?

31 May 2016

A lot has changed since we picked our favorite running apps a few years ago. Now there are tons of apps that save your stats in the cloud and let you share runs with your Facebook friends, but they’re each different enough you might have a hard time picking the right one for you. Here’s how to choose.


Your Favorite HDTV Antenna Is Down to $30

31 May 2016

If you want to stop paying your cable company $100/month for channels you don’t watch, it might be time to cut the cord. Between services like Netflix, Hulu+, Sling TV, and HBO Now, it’s easier than ever to declare cable independence, but a good antenna is still a critical piece of equipment for picking up your local broadcast stations.


The Medical Screenings All Women Need, and When

31 May 2016

No matter how fast medicine moves us towards treatments, preventive medicine will always be the most effective and cheapest way to keep healthy. In this post, we’ll run down some common women’s health screening tests, when you should get them, and what you’re in for when you walk in.


The Differences Between Antibiotics, Antibacterials, and...

31 May 2016

There’s a bit more to first aid than just cleaning a wound and slapping on a band-aid. Store shelves are littered with antibiotics like Neosporin, antiseptics like peroxide, and more. Let’s go over the differences.

