Until the Okagami Runaround Omnidirectional Treadmill is...

Until the Okagami Runaround Omnidirectional Treadmill is...

Beware the DVT!

30 August 2018
On the floor, directly underneath my suspended haptic chair, was my Okagami Runaround omnidirectional treadmill. (“ No matter where you go, there you are” was the manufacturer’s slogan.) The...
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Welcome to Health eSports

Welcome to Health eSports

Time to watch your health bar

25 August 2018
Health eSports is dedicated to the eSports champions, and champions to be, who are out there competing, entertaining, and engaging fans across the world. The world of eSports are made up of athletes that cross...
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3. Conformance Criteria, Resources, and Implementation...

3. Conformance Criteria, Resources, and Implementation...

General Considerations, Product Development, and Support

16 August 2018
Each section (e.g., 3.2.x) is a category of criteria that follows a common format. First, there is a brief non-normative description of the category. Then there is a subsection containing a normative table of...
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3.3 Download and Install App

3.3 Download and Install App

Quality, Safety, and Security

16 August 2018
Apps are frequently marketed and downloaded through platform-specific “app stores.” Before an app can be housed within an app store, it must meet requirements set by the app store host. The app store is...
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3.4 Usage of the App

3.4 Usage of the App

Authentication, Authorization, Syncing, Security, Provenance, Exchange, Alerts, Upgrades, and Auditing

16 August 2018

A breakdown of Consumer Health App usage requirements that includes aspects of Authentication, Authorization, Syncing, Security, Provenance, Exchange, Alerts, Upgrades, and Auditing.

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