Conquer the Armrest On Your Flight by Reclining Your...

1 June 2016

Nothing makes a flight more uncomfortable than someone blocking off access to your armrests. Fear not, traveler, there is a way to stake your claim and keep what’s yours.


How to Get Value Out of Your Crappy Entry-Level Job

1 June 2016

During the summer of 1998, I worked a night shift for a research lab in which I shoveled and sifted dirt for eight hours at a time. I hung out in this little room in the basement of a greenhouse that had a chute in which dirt had been dumped. I’d set up a large tub on top of a pushcart, put a screen attachment on top of it, then scoop several shovelfuls of dirt on there. I would then sift that dirt, retaining a few specific items off of the top of the screen, and then do it again. And again. When the cart was full, I’d push it over to the elevator, take it up to the planting rooms, and then retrieve an empty cart and do the same thing again.


Permethrin-Treated Clothing Isn't Ideal for Keeping...

1 June 2016

Mosquitoes aren’t just annoying, they can be dangerous. Even so, before you go buying pricey clothing with built-in insect repellent, you might want to consider cheaper, and possibly more effective, options.


Zoom In Super Close on Any iPhone Photo with a Rotation Bug

1 June 2016

For whatever reason, the Photos app on iOS only allows you to zoom in so far. An odd little bug caused by rotating an image allows to circumvent that restriction and zoom in as much as you want.

