TV sitcoms have taught us that if someone’s doing better than you at your career, your goal should be to crush them with righteous fury. While that makes for a great story, learning from them will probably help more.
Deadspin UFC Throws Reporter Out Of Event, Bans Him For Life For Reporting News | Jezebel Father of Stanford Rapist Argues His Son Should Not Be Punished for ‘20 Minutes of Action’ | Gizmodo Verizon’s “Can You Hear Me Now?” Guy Works for Sprint Now | Gawker Viceland Employee Calls out Vice’s ‘Sexist’ Reputation on Live TV While Co-hosts Put a Condom on a Microphone |
The fear of missing out isn’t always a bad thing . If you’re paying more attention to your Facebook feed than your family, though, it can drag you down. When you feel the FOMO setting in, try adjusting the focus ring on your happiness.
We’ve all had those moments where we run into things and come away with a nasty bruise, but this DNews video explains why some of us seem to be more resilient and heal quickly while others of us seem to wake up with mystery bruises with no memory of where they came from.
Ways you can use algorithms to improve your day-to-day decision-making, what astronauts say space is really like, the importance of plain language in communication, and more—all in this week’s Lifehacker Brain Buffet!