The Jobs With the Highest Pay Raises

6 June 2016

For the past few years, the average pay raise in the U.S. has hovered around 3%, but some industries are better off than others. A recent report from Randstad listed the best industries and jobs for pay raises.


What's Your Favorite Travel Pillow? 

6 June 2016

Believe it or not, it is possible to sleep in an economy airline seat. But if you don’t want to visit a chiropractor after landing, you’ll need a good travel pillow to support your neck while you doze. So before everyone heads out on their various summer trips, we wanted to find out which pillows are worth the space in your carry-on.


Four Popular Coffee Myths, Debunked by Science

6 June 2016

You crave it in the morning, you wait in long lines for it, and I’m drinking it while I write this: coffee is everywhere. But that means misinformation about it is everywhere too. Coffee doesn’t rob you of water, sober you up, or keep your children short, so let’s grind up these myths and brew a hot pot of truth.


Focus on What You Learned From Failure to Avoid...

6 June 2016

There’s a reason failure stories are popular: they’re relatable. We all fall on our faces at some point, and stories of redemption are encouraging. However, it can be tricky to find a balance between discussing your failure and just self-deprecating.


Motivate People by Encouraging Them To Make Choices

6 June 2016

Motivation can be tricky, but studies show there’s one important factor that can be hugely effective in cultivating it: making decisions. As psychologist and author Angela Duckworth explains, this is why it’s important to offer people choices when you’re trying to motivate them.

