Make a Great-Smelling, Reusable Fruit Fly Trap

3 June 2016

There are few ways to make a decent DIY fruit fly trap , but this one also adds a fresh lemon scent to your kitchen. All you need is a small plastic container and a lemon.


Remains of the Day: BitTorrent Sync Will Soon Be Called...

3 June 2016

If you’re looking to download BitTorrent Sync , the file-synchronization software that relies on peer-to-peer transfers instead of the cloud, you might think it’s vanished from the web. It’s not gone, it just has a new name.


The Non-Awkward Way to Acknowledge Someone You Barely...

3 June 2016

You’re walking down the street when you see that friend of a friend you met at that thing. You don’t want to stop and have an awkward chat , but you also don’t want to be rude. Here’s a simple eye contact trick that works every time.


Microsoft's Official Guide for a DIY, Raspberry...

3 June 2016

Smart mirrors have been all the rage this year, and it looks like Microsoft’s getting into the game too. While Microsoft’s mirror is teased as a commercial product, they’ve released the source code if you’re interested in making one for yourself.

