iPhone Twitter App Showdown: Tweetbot vs. Twitter

5 June 2016

There are dozens of Twitter clients for the iPhone, but the official Twitter app and the third-party Tweetbot are two of the most popular. One’s free, the other’s pretty expensive at $9.99. Let’s dig into the main differences between the two, and see if the difference in experience is worth the difference in cost.


Sleepcast Uses Your Favorite Speakers for Your Phone's Alarm

5 June 2016

Android/iOS (Beta): You probably use your phone as an alarm clock, and you may even use it to play music isntead of a generic alarm tone, but what if you could use your favorite speakers or home stereo to wake you up instead of your phone’s tinny speakers? That’s what Sleepcast does.


This Week's Top Downloads

4 June 2016

Every week, we share a number of downloads for all platforms to help you get things done. Here were the top downloads from this week.


Keep Your Front-Loading Washer Stink-Free With These...

4 June 2016

Some front-loading washers have had issues with mold and mildew, and that means nasty smells that get into your clothes. Here are some easy ways to keep that from happening.


Build Your Own Internet-Connected Handheld Weather Station

4 June 2016

A weather station is a fun project that teaches you a ton about electronics with the added benefit being an actually useful little device. Instructables user Ingenerare has a guide for making your own little tiny weather station on the cheap.

