Plan Your Free Online Education at Lifehacker U: Summer...

10 June 2016

Your education doesn’t have to stop once you leave school. We’ve put together a curriculum of some of the best free online classes available on the web this fall for the latest term of Lifehacker U, our regularly-updating guide to improving your life with free, online college-level classes. Let’s get started.


The Living Is Easy In The Friday Open Thread

10 June 2016

While summer may not be officially here for a few days, has your summer already started in earnest? Are you busy grilling, planing your trips and shaking out your summer duds? Is this the summer you jump on the bandwagon and take a staycation?


The Smartest Toothbrush You've Ever Seen Is Down To...

10 June 2016

$100 is a very solid price for any top of the line electric toothbrush , and Oral-B’s Pro 7000 SmartSeries add Bluetooth to the mix, just for kicks.


A Step-by-Step Guide to Tempo Runs

9 June 2016

There’s one workout that every endurance runner should be running. This “bread and butter” workout is the almighty tempo run. Tempo runs are beneficial for virtually every runner—from milers to marathoners, tempos are nearly ubiquitous.

