John Oliver Explains the Fees and Pitfalls To Watch For...

13 June 2016

Planning for retirement can get complicated when you’re trying to get the most out of your money. Fees for transactions, financial analysis, and simple poor investments can eat away at your savings. John Oliver’s latest video explains many of the things to watch for.


If You've Been Meaning to Buy a Roomba, Today's the Day...

13 June 2016

Life’s too short to vacuum every other day, but luckily, you can pawn that tedious chore off to your very own robot, and one of the best is on sale today.


Look For Matching Meta-Emotions When Trying to Find a...

13 June 2016

When you’re looking for someone to go out with, you probably want to find someone who shares your interests. While that’s okay, you may want to focus on a more important, less-known factor: meta-emotions.


Are 'Workaholics' Prone to OCD, Anxiety?

13 June 2016
Study suggests a link, but it's not clear how overwork, mental issues may be connected
Source: HealthDay

Why Some People Sweat More than Others (and What to Do...

13 June 2016

Some of us just sweat more than others, and while it can be the source of much embarrassment and shame (trust me, I’m a sweaty person), it helps to understand the reason behind it. This piece from The Science of Us explains the biology behind why, and what you can do about it if it bothers you.

