This Video Has 23 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Next...

14 June 2016

Photo walks are an awesome way to practice your photography skills while also getting some exercise. This video teaches you a few tips to get some amazing shots while you’re out and about.


Why "Just Be Yourself" Isn't Always the Best Advice

14 June 2016

“Being yourself” and living authentically is one of those goals that we champion, but can rarely explain why. We assume that it’s good to always be consistent with “who you are,” but there are some times where paying attention to those around you is much more important.


What Really Happens When You File for Bankruptcy

14 June 2016

Bankruptcy is a last resort for people and businesses, including Gawker Media , the company that owns this site. Many companies, like United Airlines and General Motors, file for bankruptcy and continue business as usual. Individuals file for bankruptcy and often emerge in one piece, too. There’s a lot of confusion and misconception about bankruptcy, so let’s talk about how it affects your finances.


The Organized Student's Bag

13 June 2016

Being a student doesn’t have to mean being a mess. Case in point, reader Anders Nordlander’s shares their bag.

