Remove Berry Stains From Clothing With a Boiling Water Flush

14 June 2016

A handful of berries is a great snack, but one dropped berry or thoughtless wipe of your juice-covered hands can leave your clothing stained. If you act quickly, a little bowling water can keep the red stain from setting in your favorite garments, even whites.


Netflix on iPad Now Supports Picture-In-Picture

14 June 2016

iPad: Picture-in-picture mode was added to the iPad way back in September 2015 , but the multitasking features required software-specific support. It’s finally now available in the biggest streaming video app, Netflix.


Every Device Apple's Making Obsolete with Its New...

14 June 2016

Yesterday, Apple paraded out iOS 10 and the newly dubbed macOS Sierra , but what they didn’t mention was all the devices that won’t work on the new operating system.


Facebook Adds Tools for Flagging Posts From Friends Who...

14 June 2016

Facebook is rolling out a new feature that will allow you to flag a friend’s post as one that raises concern of “suicide or self-harm.”


Make and Freeze This Flavorful Trinity For Quick, Easy...

14 June 2016

You may have heard of soffritto, that flavorful trinity of sauteed carrots, onion, and and celery that adds flavor and richness to everything it graces. You could saute up some soffritto each time you need it, or you could borrow this clever trick from Food 52 and keep a roll of it in the freezer, ready for instant use.

