Strengthen Your Network Connections With Monthly People...

17 June 2016

There’s more to networking than meeting a bunch of people. You need to stay in touch with your connections and make yourself someone of value to them. A monthly checklist will keep you on top of things.


The Sense HAT Is a Perfect Accessory for Your Raspberry...

17 June 2016

It’s not terribly difficult to make your own little Alexa-powered voice assistant with a Raspberry Pi , but one caveat is that you have to push a button before you can initiate voice commands. The Raspberry Pi Guy came up with an elegant solution using a Sense Hat.


TermHere Launches a Terminal Window Directly From a Folder

17 June 2016

Mac: It’s easy enough to use a system service to launch Terminal from any folder in OS X , but you don’t have much in the way of options. TermHere does the same thing, but allows you to pick your Terminal app of choice, and even open multiple directories.


Linux App Distribution Gets a Little Easier with "Snap"

17 June 2016

The latest version of Ubuntu came packed with support for a new app distribution service called snap that significantly simplifies app installation. Now, that’s available on just about every popular Linux distribution around.

