Ask an Expert: All About Upping Your Yoga Routine

20 June 2016

I’ll be honest—I don’t know anything about yoga. For something so harmless and healthy, it’s also kind of intimidating if you’ve never tried it and are self-conscious. What’s the best way to get started? And if you’re already a fan, how do you improve your routine?


Make a Mental Highlight Reel of Your Best Workouts to...

20 June 2016

If you’re in a bad mood at the start of a workout, or if you’re dreading what’s to come, you’re more likely to have a miserable experience. But if you remember your best days at the gym, or your favorite finish-line moments, you can use those to set the scene when you begin.


Google Will Start Showing Direct Answers When You Search...

20 June 2016

While it’s almost never a good idea to search for medical symptoms online , Google’s at least making the process a little easier on mobile by giving you direct answers to the symptoms you search for.


Post a Close-Up and Wide Shot of Your Missing Pet

20 June 2016

Ideally, your pet should be chipped so if they ever go missing, you can track them down. If they’re not, though, and your pet is lost, make sure to post a close-up and wide shot photo of them when you post fliers.


What the Codes on Your Paycheck Mean

20 June 2016

Most of us are familiar with the basics of our pay stub: tax withholdings, Social Security, and, of course, income. There may be a few codes on your paycheck you’re unfamiliar with, though, and breaks them down.

