Nine Simple Tips for Improving Your Table Manners at...

19 June 2016

Whether you’re dining out at a nice restaurant, enjoying a wedding reception, or trying to look your best at a work event, proper etiquette is important. These tips are easy to remember and will keep you looking classy.


The Alfred Emoji Pack Makes Searching for Emoji on a Mac...

19 June 2016

Mac: The newest version of Alfred introduced improved text expansion . The cool thing is you can easily download packs from other people to implement them in Alfred. Joel Califa created a series of auto expansion rules and searches that makes finding and adding emoji a ton easier.


Make Your Meals Look Fancier With This Kitchen Tool You...

19 June 2016

Good-looking food doesn’t necessarily taste better, but if you’re of the opinion that we eat with our eyes first, you probably appreciate a beautiful plate. Epicurious suggests an incredibly easy way to make your dishes look more appealing: use a peeler.


XDA Labs Lets You Browse Forum Posts, Download Apps and...

19 June 2016

Android: XDA has released a few versions of its apps over the years, but the recent ones are the most useful yet. With XDA Labs you can browse the forums, download apps, and peruse a library of Xposed modules .


Count It Is a Framerate Counter for Gaming On Your Mac

19 June 2016

macOS: There’s you can do to improve gaming performance on the Mac , but a lot of it starts with benchmarking your current performance. Count It is a framerate counter that can help you figure out what’s dragging your performance down, and what tweaks boost it.

