Clean Dirty Paintbrushes In a Snap with a Fork

21 June 2016

Your paintbrushes should be clean and dry when you store them, but getting all that paint out of the bristles can be messy. Rather than use your hands or buy a brush comb, grab a fork to get between those bristles.


Job Hunting? Maybe a Therapist Can Help

21 June 2016

Study finds cognitive behavioral therapy skills could offer boost to unemployed

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Make Delicious, Flavorful Poached Chicken with Kitchen...

21 June 2016

I always keep a bag of kitchen scraps—like onion skins, ginger peels, parm rinds, etc.—in the freezer, ready to be tossed in a pot of broth or stock, but now I have one more use for my bag o’ scraps: poached chicken.


The Amount of Sleep That Kids and Teens Need to Be...

21 June 2016

Infants, children, and teens all need more sleep than the average adult . For years, we’ve heard varying but similar ranges from different sources, but now a recent consensus statement by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has helped put this debate to bed.


Clean Your Car, Furniture, and Floors With This $79...

21 June 2016

It’s amazing how much easier vacuuming can seem when you don’t have to worry about a power cord, and this $79 battery-powered vac from Black & Decker promises to make cleaning a breeze.

