What the Codes on Your Paycheck Mean

20 June 2016

Most of us are familiar with the basics of our pay stub: tax withholdings, Social Security, and, of course, income. There may be a few codes on your paycheck you’re unfamiliar with, though, and breaks them down.


Free Document Scanning Apps Are Sleazy and Gross, Don't...

20 June 2016

Mobile document scanners are possibly the most boring apps imaginable, so it’s puzzling they’re also some of the most awful, sleazy, and confusing apps you can download. It should be simple: Scan receipts, digitize notes, sync to the cloud, that’s it. Useful, but not exciting. But there are dozens, all nearly identical. Some are free. Others are a couple bucks. Most have in-app purchases. All of them are confusing as hell.


Thanks Again Rewards You for Spending Money at Airports

20 June 2016

We all complain about airport prices, but when you’re two hours into a layover with nothing to eat, that $10 sandwich starts to look pretty appetizing. If you’re going to cave, you might as well earn rewards for it, and that’s where Thanks Again comes in.


What's Your Favorite On-the-Go Stain Remover?

20 June 2016

Listen, I know that not everyone has an issue with spilling pretty much everything they drink on themselves like I do, but don’t judge me. I just want to wear a white t-shirt in peace! On-the-go stain removers were a godsend when they first came out, but they’ve slowly lost their charm.


What's Your Favorite Affordable Vacuum?

20 June 2016

We did a vacuum Co-op, once, and Dyson swept the nominations. Don’t get me wrong, Dyson makes good stuff, but not everyone needs (or can afford) a $300-$500 cleaning appliance. So today, we’re looking to determine your favorite affordable alternatives that don’t suck (or do suck). If you can regularly purchase it for $150 or less, it’s eligible, so go sound off in the comments.

