The Best Exercises to Look Great Naked

21 June 2016

Being strong and healthy is nice and important, but the reason a lot of us exercise is to look good. These aesthetically-focused exercises won’t make you hot overnight, but in combination with a healthy diet, they’ll give you the best bang for your workout buck so you look good dressed up—or undressed.


This Paper Template Helps You Stick to Your Running Regimen

21 June 2016

Apps can measure how far and how fast you run, but they’re not great at gauging your long term progress. Am I building a habit? Am I getting faster? Seeing your runs on a sheet of paper, with planned workouts next to a brief post-mortem, helps you see your progress. Here’s the template I use.


Honey Releases Amazon Price Protection to Find You a...

21 June 2016

We’ve told you all about the couponing tool Honey, which automatically hunts for and applies coupon codes for your online purchases. The browser extension recently released a new feature that can help you find better prices on Amazon.


This Discounted Charger is So Small, It'll Look Like It...

21 June 2016

Your favorite USB car charger just happens to be the smallest one you can buy, and you can grab it on Amazon for $9 today with code QNL6CMJR. We’ve seen it go as low as $6 on a few occasions, but this is the best deal we’ve seen in several months, if it’s been on your wish list.

