Are Video Games Lifeless Without Us?

Are Video Games Lifeless Without Us?

Finding balance between gaming and being physically active

13 October 2018
It’s kind of like the zen koan that asks, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” If without us games are lifeless then obviously they need a bit of our...
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FDA Playbook on Medical Device Cybersecurity

FDA Playbook on Medical Device Cybersecurity

Regional Incident Preparedness and Response Playbook

2 October 2018
From the MITRE website: The Medical Device Cybersecurity Regional Incident Preparedness and Response Playbookoutlines a framework for health delivery organizations (HDOs) and other stakeholders to plan for...
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OCR Guidance on Ensuring Equal Access to Emergency...

OCR Guidance on Ensuring Equal Access to Emergency...

Official guidance from the Office for Civil Rights

16 September 2018
As Hurricane Florence makes landfall, the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and its federal partners remain in close coordination to help ensure that emergency officials effectively address the needs of at-risk...
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HL7 CMHAFF Meeting Minutes for September 6th, 2018

HL7 CMHAFF Meeting Minutes for September 6th, 2018

Workgroup Meeting Notes

6 September 2018

During this HL7 CMHAFF workgroup meeting members reviewed the CMHAFF Web-based Guide and discussed scoring criteria for CMHAFF decision tree development.

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Talking through grudges and avoiding the keyboard warrior

Talking through grudges and avoiding the keyboard warrior

A gamer's take on how to remain calm when dealing with someone you disagree with

30 August 2018
It happens to us all…someone or something catches us off guard and upsets us for some reason or another. Hidden behind our monitors and keyboards it is tough to understand the nuance of the situation or we...
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