Chase Freedom Cardholders Get Bonus Rewards for Shopping...

24 June 2016

Rewards credit cards can pay off, and the Chase Freedom card is a popular one . And for the rest of the year, they’re offering an awesome perk: 5% cashback when you spend at wholesale clubs, including Costco.


This Week's Most Popular Posts: June 17th to 24th

24 June 2016

As much as we care about our health, many of us are really only exercising because we want to look more attractive. And that’s okay, so this week we focused on exercises that are purely for aesthetics. As the saying goes, “Strong in body, strong in life hacks.” Right? That and much more in this week’s top posts.


Why People Don’t Always Need Cheering Up

24 June 2016

When a friend is down, it’s natural to try to cheer them up. That may not be what they need most, however. As The School of Life explains, “jollying” your friend along may not be the best way to empathize with them.


How to Choose the Right UX  Metrics for Your Product

How to Choose the Right UX Metrics for Your Product

Created by Digital Telepathy in collaboration with Google Ventures

24 June 2016
From the GV Library description: When designing for the web, you can analyze usage data for your product and compare different interfaces in A/B tests. This is sometimes called “data-driven...
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How to Get Through the Workday When It Feels Like the...

24 June 2016

I don’t need to remind you of everything tumultuous that’s happening in the world. This isn’t about what’s right or wrong, it’s not about guns or borders, and it certainly isn’t about politics or which politician is tweeting what. It’s about you.

