The Interior Paint Colors That May Boost Your Home’s Value

28 June 2016

Paint can transform the entire look of a room—so much, in fact, that it can actually affect your home’s value. Zillow studied tens of thousands of sold homes around the U.S. to see how the paint colors of certain rooms affected the home’s sale price.


Use a Box to Spray Paint Small Items with No Mess

28 June 2016

Spray paint is easy and relatively inexpensive, but if you don’t have the space to lay out tarp or paper to spray paint small items like drawer pulls, picture frames, and door handles, use a cardboard box to keep the mess in check.


Add Feta Cheese to Your Brine for Delicious, Juicy Chicken

28 June 2016

Usually, I tend to favor a dry brine over a wet one, but I might switch sides for a bit to try the Kitchn’s feta cheese brine, which requires only two ingredients: feta (duh) and water.

