Food Politics Shows You How Your Sausage Is Made

28 June 2016

Reading Marion Nestle’s Food Politics will make you feel like a speck in a universe of giants. Corporations alternately battle and collude with the United States government in chapter after chapter, spending billions of dollars to influence what you, the consumer, choose to put in your mouth.


Answer the ‘Miracle Question’ to Overcome Your Fitness Lows

28 June 2016

The “miracle question” is a thought experiment that’s used in solutions-focused brief therapy. It’s designed to shift your focus on how helpless you feel to being able to see positive solutions and good things that are happening. Here’s how it can work for you.


Amazon Just Added a Bunch of New Dash Buttons, and Your...

28 June 2016

Amazon added over 50 new Dash buttons to their lineup this morning, and while you probably don’t need most of them (except the Nerf one, you definitely need that), there may be a few in there that could come in handy around your house. The buttons still cost $5 each, but as an added incentive, you’ll get that $5 back in the form of an Amazon credit when you press it for the first time.


Feeling Poor Doesn't Stop Once You Make Money

28 June 2016

From the day I got my first job as a cart pusher at Walmart, I spent years living from one paycheck to the next. I hovered around the poverty line, hoping that I would last until next month’s rent. At the time it felt normal. It wasn’t until after I started making more money that I realized the psychological scars that living the poor life left on me.


This $170 Chromebook Runs For 13 Hours, and Will Support...

28 June 2016

This $170 Chromebook has a super-thin design, 13 hours of battery life, and 4GB of RAM, all solid specs. But most importantly, it will support Android apps via Google Play in the coming months, which should dramatically expand its capabilities. If you’re in the market for a travel-friendly portable, you could do a whole lot worse for the price.

