The Independence Day Playlist

30 June 2016

This weekend, Americans from this site will join others from around the country, and you will be celebrating the largest annual fireworks display in the history of our nation. This playlist from Spotify user Jason Lawson, will help put you in a patriotic mood almost as effectively as Bill Pullman.


You're More Likely to Remember Something If You Exercise...

30 June 2016

Exercise has long been thought to have memory boosting capabilities , but a new study suggests that delayed physical activity might be the best way to take advantage of those perks.


Remains of the Day: Karma Adds Option to Create a...

30 June 2016

Karma hotspots always broadcast a public Wi-Fi network that’s open to any subscriber of the service, but users have often requested the option to run a private network instead. Now Karma will finally let you make your signal private—for a cost.


Kick Off a Great Presentation by Showing Visuals Before...

30 June 2016

When you’re giving a presentation, a little mystery goes a long way. If you want to grasp your audience’s attention, start off your presentation with some visuals that get them thinking.


Give Any Homemade Pizza Wood-Fired Oven Flavor With Some...

30 June 2016

No matter how good your dough, sauce, and ingredients are, it’s hard to beat the unique flavor of a wood-fired pizza oven. If you don’t have your own wood-fired oven, you can get a similar flavor by pre-toasting the flour for your pizza peel.

