How to Deal with Frustrating Workplace Bureaucracy

30 June 2016

Working in a big corporate office can be a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you have tons of resources at your disposal—technical help, creative teams, mentors, a well-stocked supply room, and anything else you need just a purchase order away. But on the other hand, the bureaucracy of a corporate setting can easily put a damper on new ideas and slow down the work you need to get done.


Firefox's Experimental Containers Feature Lets You Log...

30 June 2016

Let’s say you have multiple Twitter accounts, or several Google accounts, or even a few different bank accounts. It sucks to have to switch between those accounts in your browser. Firefox is testing out a new feature called Containers in its beta channel that hopes to fix this.


Build a Wearable Camera with a Raspberry Pi

30 June 2016

Wearable cameras are still in their infancy and it’s a little weird to just wear one when you’re doing daily errands, but if you want to build your own for those more exciting moments of your life, Adafruit shows you how.


Fix Minor Scratches in Glass with Toothpaste

30 June 2016

We’ve discussed how you can use toothpaste to fix minor scratches on your car or the plastic of your headlights , but if you spot stress cracks in your glassware or a pair of reading glasses, toothpaste can fix them right up for you too.

