The Best Trick For Freelancers Is to Be Awesome at What...

1 July 2016

Freelancers have to learn a ton of skills like how to find clients , determine what to charge , and make sure they get paid . With all the hot tips freelancers are given, there’s one that’s more important than all of them: be good at what you do.


Focus on Your Biggest Financial Drains to Minimize Your...

1 July 2016

You’ve probably been told that when it’s time to save money, every dollar counts. While this is true, cutting out your morning coffee isn’t going to have as profound an impact as downsizing your home. Put your effort into reducing your largest expenses to fix your budget with minimal stress.


Google Will Now Show Recent Earthquake Information In...

1 July 2016

If there’s been an earthquake in your area, you probably want to know as much about it as fast as possible. Google’s making that easier by showing information about your area when you search for “earthquakes.”


How to Turn Any Alcohol You Like Into Tasty Frozen Popsicles

1 July 2016

Alcoholic popsicles are a great concept but, thanks to ethanol’s low freezing point, it’s not as simple as throwing some booze into an ice pop mold and tossing it in the freezer. But don’t let that deter you from making fabulous frozen, boozy pops. All you need to do is pay attention to the ABV.


Security insanity: how we keep failing at the basics

Security insanity: how we keep failing at the basics

1 July 2016
Some days, it just feels like the world is working against you or in the case of today, like it's all just going to metaphorical security hell. As much as we like to keep pushing the needle further around the "strong...
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