The Best Strategy for Surviving a Grenade Blast, Backed...

1 July 2016

Hopefully you never have to worry about a grenade going off near you, but it’s good to know what to do just in case. This video explains how a grenade works, and how you can lower your chances of being injured if one explodes nearby.


Remains of the Day: GameCube Emulation Just Got Way Better

1 July 2016

Good news! You’ve made it to the weekend. And I know what I’ll be doing while everyone else is out grilling beneath the summer sun: playing Nintendo games on my computer thanks to a newly updated emulator.


Why Hangovers Seem to Get Worse as You Get Older

1 July 2016

Things get harder as you get older, and that includes recovering from a night of drinking. If it feels like you don’t handle hangovers as well as you used to, here’s why.


Build Your Own Virtual Pet Cube 

1 July 2016

Virtual pets might be 20 years out of style, but if you’re looking for a miniature desktop friend, Adafruit has a guide to build a little emoting creature you can call your own.

