A Serious Game (Immunitates) About Immunization:...

18 February 2022
Background: Vaccination is a fundamental part of all levels—local to worldwide—of public health, and it can be considered one of humanity's greatest achievements in the control and elimination of infectious diseases. Teaching immunization and vaccination can be monotonous and tiring. It is necessary to develop new approaches for teaching these themes in nursing school. Objective: We aimed to develop and validate a serious game about immunization and vaccination for Brazilian nursing students. Methods: We developed a quiz-type game, Immunitates, using design and educational theoretical models and Brazilian National Health Guidelines. The game’s heuristics and content were evaluated with 2 different instruments by a team of experts. A sample of nursing students evaluated the validity of the game’s heuristics only. We calculated the content validity index (CVI) for each evaluation. Results: The study included 49 experts and 15 nursing students. All evaluations demonstrated high internal consistency (Cronbach α≥.86). The game’s heuristics (experts: CVI 0.75-1.0; students: CVI 0.67-1.0) and the game’s contents demonstrated validity (experts: CVI 0.73-1.0). Participants identified some specific areas for improvement in the next version. Conclusions: The serious game appears to be valid. It is intended as a support tool for nursing students in the teaching–learning process and as a tool for continuing education for nurses.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

Teaching Students About Plagiarism Using a Serious Game...

16 February 2022
Background: Educational games have been proven to support the teaching of various concepts across disciplines. Plagiarism is a major problem among undergraduate and postgraduate students at universities. Objective: In this paper, we propose a game called Plagi-Warfare that attempts to teach students about plagiarism. Methods: To do this at a level that is beyond quizzes, we proposed a game storyline and mechanics that allow the player (or student) to play as a mafia member or a detective. This either demonstrated their knowledge by plagiarizing within the game as a mafia member or catching plagiarists within the game as a detective. The game plays out in a 3D environment representing the major libraries of the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. In total, 30 students were selected to evaluate the game. Results: Evaluation of the game mechanics and storyline showed that the student gamers enjoyed the game and learned about plagiarism. Conclusions: In this paper, we presented a new educational game that teaches students about plagiarism by using a new crime story and an immersive 3D gaming environment representing the libraries of the University of Johannesburg.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

Immersive Virtual Reality and Vestibular Rehabilitation...

16 February 2022
Background: Dizziness and imbalance are common and disabling symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and are caused by a central, peripheral, or mixed vestibulopathy. Central vestibular disorder is the most frequently reported vestibular problem in the MS population due to demyelination. Vestibular rehabilitation ameliorates these symptoms and their repercussions and improves quality of life. Immersive virtual reality (VRi) is an emerging tool in this field; however, no previous research has been performed studying its effects in MS. Objective: The aim of this study was to apply a VRi vestibular training protocol to a patient with MS and assess the effects induced by the experimental intervention. Methods: This case study included a 54-year-old woman with relapsing-remitting MS. We developed a standardized VRi exercise protocol for vestibular rehabilitation based on the gold-standard Cawthorne-Cooksey vestibular training protocol. The 20-session intervention was made up of 10 initial sessions and 10 advanced sessions. Each 50-minute session was performed two to three times per week for 7 weeks. Four evaluations were carried out over the study period: at baseline (T0), between initial and advances phases (T1), postintervention (T2), and 1 month after the experimental procedure (T3). The research outcomes were dizziness, balance, gait, impact of fatigue, quality of life, repercussions in muscular tone, and usability of the head-mounted display device. Results: After implementing the VRi vestibular protocol, improvements were seen in the following patient parameters: Dizziness Handicap Inventory score (62 points at T0; 4 points at T2); Berg Balance Scale score (47 points at T0; 54 points at T2); instrumented Timed Up and Go time (8.35 seconds at T0; 5.57 seconds at T2); muscular tone of the erector spinae, rectus femoris, and soleus; Modified Fatigue Impact Scale score (61 points at T0; 37 points at T2); and Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life-54 values (67.16% in the physical health area at T2; 33.56% in the mental health area at T2). The patient rated the usability of the system as 90%, based on the System Usability Scale, and gave the system a grade of A. Conclusions: Although further research is needed, this study provided initial evidence that the first VRi vestibular protocol for the MS population can improve dizziness, balance, gait, impact of fatigue, quality of life, and muscular tone through an exergame intervention. This study may help establish a standardized VRi protocol for vestibular rehabilitation.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

Using Virtual Reality to Induce and Assess Objective...

15 February 2022
Background: Craving is a clinically important phenotype for the development and maintenance of nicotine addiction. Virtual reality (VR) paradigms are successful in eliciting cue-induced subjective craving and may even elicit stronger craving than traditional picture-cue methods. However, few studies have leveraged the advances of this technology to improve the assessment of craving. Objective: This report details the development of a novel, translatable VR paradigm designed to both elicit nicotine craving and assess multiple eye-related characteristics as potential objective correlates of craving. Methods: A VR paradigm was developed, which includes three Active scenes with nicotine and tobacco product (NTP) cues present, and three Neutral scenes devoid of NTP cues. A pilot sample (N=31) of NTP users underwent the paradigm and completed subjective measures of nicotine craving, sense of presence in the VR paradigm, and VR-related sickness. Eye-gaze fixation time (“attentional bias”) and pupil diameter toward Active versus Neutral cues, as well as spontaneous blink rate during the Active and Neutral scenes, were recorded. Results: The NTP Cue VR paradigm was found to elicit a moderate sense of presence (mean Igroup Presence Questionnaire score 60.05, SD 9.66) and low VR-related sickness (mean Virtual Reality Sickness Questionnaire score 16.25, SD 13.94). Scene-specific effects on attentional bias and pupil diameter were observed, with two of the three Active scenes eliciting greater NTP versus control cue attentional bias and pupil diameter (Cohen d=0.30-0.92). The spontaneous blink rate metrics did not differ across Active and Neutral scenes. Conclusions: This report outlines the development of the NTP Cue VR paradigm. Our results support the potential of this paradigm as an effective laboratory-based cue-exposure task and provide early evidence of the utility of attentional bias and pupillometry, as measured during VR, as useful markers for nicotine addiction.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

The Effectiveness of Serious Games in Alleviating...

14 February 2022
Background: Anxiety is a mental disorder characterized by apprehension, tension, uneasiness, and other related behavioral disturbances. One of the nonpharmacological treatments used for reducing anxiety is serious games, which are games that have a purpose other than entertainment. The effectiveness of serious games in alleviating anxiety has been investigated by several systematic reviews; however, they were limited by design and methodological weaknesses. Objective: This study aims to assess the effectiveness of serious games in alleviating anxiety by summarizing the results of previous studies and providing an up-to-date review. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The following seven databases were searched: MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and Google Scholar. We also conducted backward and forward reference list checking for the included studies and relevant reviews. Two reviewers independently carried out the study selection, data extraction, risk of bias assessment, and quality of evidence appraisal. We used a narrative and statistical approach, as appropriate, to synthesize the results of the included studies. Results: Of the 935 citations retrieved, 33 studies were included in this review. Of these, 22 RCTs were eventually included in the meta-analysis. Very low–quality evidence from 9 RCTs and 5 RCTs showed no statistically significant effect of exergames (games entailing physical exercises) on anxiety levels when compared with conventional exercises (P=.70) and no intervention (P=.27), respectively. Although 6 RCTs demonstrated a statistically and clinically significant effect of computerized cognitive behavioral therapy games on anxiety levels when compared with no intervention (P=.01), the quality of the evidence reported was low. Similarly, low-quality evidence from 3 RCTs showed a statistically and clinically significant effect of biofeedback games on anxiety levels when compared with conventional video games (P=.03). Conclusions: This review shows that exergames can be as effective as conventional exercises in alleviating anxiety; computerized cognitive behavioral therapy games and exergames can be more effective than no intervention, and biofeedback games can be more effective than conventional video games. However, our findings remain inconclusive, mainly because there was a high risk of bias in the individual studies included, the quality of meta-analyzed evidence was low, few studies were included in some meta-analyses, patients without anxiety were recruited in most studies, and purpose-shifted serious games were used in most studies. Therefore, serious games should be considered complementary to existing interventions. Researchers should use serious games that are designed specifically to alleviate depression, deliver other therapeutic modalities, and recruit a diverse population of patients with anxiety.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.