Do You Disable Overdraft Protection On Your Bank Account?

6 July 2016

If you’ve ever overdrawn your bank account, you know the pain of an overdraft fee. Most banks charge a hefty sum if you exceed your available bank balance by even a dollar or two. Most banks also let you disable this feature. Do you?


The Stuff That Costs More When You're Poor

6 July 2016

Spend less than you earn, save your money, and—poof!—your financial problems are solved. If only it were this easy. Being broke sucks enough on its own, and then there are obstacles that make it extra hard for poor people to fight their way to financial security. For example, here are a few expenses that actually cost more for low-income individuals.


The Jungle Workspace

5 July 2016

Redditor silenc3x has a rather unique workspace. It takes up one corner of this beautiful sunroom, and it’s covered in plants and greenery that look especially beautiful at night, but are no slouch in the day. He calls it his “jungle battlestation,” and we love it.


Netflix Is Coming to Comcast's X1 Set-Top Boxes Later...

5 July 2016

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. That seems to be what now-former rivals Comcast and Netflix are saying with today’s announcement that the streaming service is coming to Comcast X1 set-top boxes in the near future.


Remains of the Day: Apple to Encourage Organ Donation...

5 July 2016

Apple is going to make it easier than ever to register as an organ donor. With the release of iOS 10 later this year, you’ll be able to sign up on the national organ donor registry through the Health app.

