Spot a Bad Boss In an Interview by Listening to How they...

7 July 2016

Interviewing for a new job is difficult, but you should pay attention to the way your future boss discusses the team and projects you’d be working on—not just so you have an idea of what you’ll do, but for what they think of your future team, and by extension, what they’ll think of you.


Make the Ultimate Beer Float With the Help of This Tasty...

7 July 2016

Beer is good, ice cream is good, and sweltering heat is bad. As such, I suggest you combine the two good things to beat the the terrible oppressive rays of the summer sun, and I suggest you use the below graphic to create amazing flavor combinations.


The Worst Cities for Traffic Around the World

7 July 2016

New York and Los Angeles are notorious for traffic congestion, but a handful of other cities around the world are just as bad (or worse). Recently released data shows what traffic is like in major cities around the world. If you’re planning a big move, you’ll want to explore the tool to see what your own commute may look like.


iOS 10 and macOS Sierra Public Betas Are Available Now

7 July 2016

Last month, Apple dished out the details on iOS 10 and the newly rebranded macOS Sierra . Today, they’re both available as public betas that you can download right now.


Can You Read These Trail Blazes And Avoid Getting Lost...

7 July 2016

Want to go for a hike or a trail run? It helps to know how to stay on the trail. Many trails are marked with rectangles of paint, called blazes, to let you know where the trail goes. But following the blazes is sometimes harder than it looks. This quiz will teach you how.

