Watch Kurt Vonnegut Explain the Emotional Shape of...

8 July 2016

It’s impossible to quantify what, exactly, makes a good story. However, underneath most popular stories, there are only a handful of familiar story arcs that we tell over and over again. In this video, author Kurt Vonnegut demonstrates these arcs by drawing them.


Official App Lets You Track Analytics For Your...

8 July 2016

Android: URL shorteners are a dime a dozen, but Bitly stands out with a ton of custom features, including the ability to see how well your shortened links are doing. Now, you can manage all that information from your phone.


Kitchen Tool School: The Marvelous Multi-Funtioncal Food...

8 July 2016

There are really two types of kitchen appliances: there are the true heroes of the kitchen—the ones that make your cooking easier, faster, and better— and then there are the toys. I love my toys, but I could get by without them. I need my heroes though, and my the food processor is a multifunctional super hero. Here you’ll find all you need to know to buy, use, and clean yours.


Getting to grips with cloud computing security on...

Getting to grips with cloud computing security on...

8 July 2016
Two of the things you'll have found me most frequently writing about on this blog are "cloud" and "security". Whilst the latter seems to have been what I've gravitated towards most in recent years, the former is...
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