Extend the Life of Your Favorite Shoes with These DIY...

7 July 2016

We all have a favorite pair of shoes, ones we just can’t bring ourselves to throw out despite holes being worn in the toes or heels. Cover up those holes and get a little more wear out of your favorite shoes with these affordable DIY patches.


Bake Super Tall Souffles With Help From Your Pastry Brush

7 July 2016

Even if you follow a souffle recipe exactly, they sometimes just don’t grow that tall. Luckily, The Kitchn has a neat little trick to help your souffles grow high into the sky—all you need is a pastry brush and some sugar.


This Simple Exercise Strengthens and Protects Your Shoulders

7 July 2016

A major concern with excessive and intense chest movements, like with push-ups and bench presses, is that you can overwork your shoulders and end up hurting them. If want to protect your shoulders and strengthen them at the same time, try face pulls.


This $40 Fitness Tracker Can Run For a Year on a Single...

7 July 2016

It’s not a Fitbit, but this $40 Garmin Vivofit has a few enticing tricks up its sleeve, if you’re in the market for a fitness tracker.

