Keep One Foot on the Floor, And More Ways to Make...

8 July 2016

If you have trouble following along with aerobics classes or bodyweight workouts, it’s possible to modify a lot of the more intense moves. This strategy can really help if you’re nursing an injury, or if you’re just not ready for full-on jump squats and burpees.


Why Using Your Phone In Bed Can Cause Temporary...

8 July 2016

You’ve probably done this: Roll over in the middle of the night, or in a dark room, turn on your phone, read a few emails, scroll through some tweets, or check Facebook. Then later, your vision is fuzzy in one eye, or worse, you roll over and can see out of one but not the other. Heres why.


How to Shoot Great Portraits and Headshots With Just One...

8 July 2016

You don’t need a bunch of expensive studio lighting to take great portraits and headshots. In this video, photographer and educator Joe Edelman shows the different ways you can take great photos using just a single flash.


The Traits That Make Up an Existential Crisis

8 July 2016

We’ve all heard the phrase, and we all feel it from time to time, but what exactly is an existential crisis? According to this video from the School of Life, it involves a few identifiable traits.


This Week's Most Popular Posts: July 1st to 8th

8 July 2016

This week we looked at the expenses that actually cost more when you’re poor, got our hands dirty learning how to change a car’s brake pads, tried out a handheld Linux computer, and more. Here’s a look back at this week’s most popular posts.

