3.4.5 Transport Security

3.4.5 Transport Security

Security for Data in Transit

1 January 2019

This category is about providing assurance that consumer data is secure when it is moved between the consumer’s device(s) and other locations.

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3.4.6  Data Provenance

3.4.6 Data Provenance

Data Authenticity, Provenance, and Associated Metadata

1 January 2019

This category is about the attribution of sources of data (provenance) and assurance of data authenticity.

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3.4.7  Data Exchange

3.4.7 Data Exchange

Managing Data Exchange & Interoperability on Health Apps

1 January 2019
This category applies only if an app exchanges data with other devices, health apps, and/or HIT systems. If so, there are applicable standards for data format, vocabulary, and transport, to increase interoperability...
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The Ludosalus Dissonance of eSports

The Ludosalus Dissonance of eSports

Discussing the lack of balance between the health of our avatars in game play and the health of our actual selves

19 October 2018
Many of us are familiar with the term “Ludonarrative Dissonance“, a concept coined by Clint Hocking of LucasArts to describe the conflict that can be found in video games in which the narrative or...
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Are Video Games Lifeless Without Us?

Are Video Games Lifeless Without Us?

Finding balance between gaming and being physically active

13 October 2018
It’s kind of like the zen koan that asks, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” If without us games are lifeless then obviously they need a bit of our...
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