2. Overview

2. Overview

Goals, Scope, Conformance Design Principles

15 August 2018
The primary goals of cMHAFF are to provide a standard against which a mobile app’s foundational characteristics -- including but not limited to security, privacy, data access, data export, and...
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2.4.1 Use Case A

2.4.1 Use Case A

Simple, Standalone

15 August 2018
A walking app collects data based on how far someone walks, using GPS technology. A consumer can view a history of walks taken and summary statistics related to distance walked and estimated calories burned. App...
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2.4.2 Use Case B

2.4.2 Use Case B

Device-Connected Wellness App

9 May 2018
A weight management app helps consumers to systematically collect weight information, food consumption information and exercise information.  Weight can be entered manually, or a consumer can link a wireless...
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2.4.3 Use Case C

2.4.3 Use Case C

EHR-Integrated Disease Management App

9 May 2018
A diabetes management app allows a consumer to collect blood sugar readings through a Bluetooth-enabled glucometer. A healthcare provider offers the app to enable the patient’s blood sugar to be captured...
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2.4.4 Risks, Key Differences, and Environmental Scan

2.4.4 Risks, Key Differences, and Environmental Scan

Use Case Impact Factors

9 May 2018
For some apps, especially those like Use Case C, there are several potential threats and vulnerabilities which should be assessed and mitigated, where necessary, by mHealth developers (see 3.2.2 Product Risk...
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